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BIOZONE MEDICAL Corporation changed its name from Marusan Pharma Biotech Corporation in 2022and started with a new structure. Since its establishment as Marusan Daiyakubo in 1895 it has always aimed to contribute to people’s health and has achieved wide-ranging results especially in such fields as sterilization and disinfection, pesticide countermeasures, and tamper-proofing measures. With recent demand for the creation of an clean environment in bio-levels, on this occasion we have changed our company name and structure in order to further enrich our products and services. We wish to contribute to people’s health in a wide range of fields from examination, diagnosis, and hygiene management at the bio-level in factories, buildings, homes, cultural assets, etc., to health management via medicines and health foods, and to provide more accurate and prompt information and a variety of high-quality services and products for safety and security.
Kentaro Fujii

Description of Business

Medical lab

Development of innovative and latest medical devices towards early practical application of long-term patency stent systems

【Business Contents】

Development of the world’s first below-knee stent delivery system

Hybrid diamond nano-coating lower extremity stent system based on BIOZONE® coating technology which can suppress platelet and leukocyte adhesion


Biolab Department

Conducts contract research relating to microbes such as strain identification (genetic analysis), bio-burden research, and evaluation of disinfection and sterilization equipment and microbe monitoring targeting manufacturing facilities which produce products such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and foods. Also conducts research and development and sale of pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, health and beauty foods, and cosmetics as well as effectiveness assessment tests and cosmetics preservatives-effectiveness tests of functional foods, pharmaceuticals, etc. 【Business Contents】 ・Research and development and sale of pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, health and beauty foods, and cosmetics ・Point-of-sale and wholesale of pharmaceuticals ・Inspection and tests – Various micro-biological inspections, strain/microbe/insect identification inspections (genetic analysis) ‒ Cosmetics preservatives-effectiveness tests, bio-burden tests, and sterilization assurance tests ・Various consulting, environment design, training operations, Florens College

Biozone Department

Utilize insect-proofing/microbe monitoring for various problems in hygiene management and help to minimize the occurrence of issues. Based on the monitoring results, provides plans fitting the customers’ needs such as bio-risk management business, clean-up, air security business, consulting business, and facilities improvement business. 【Business Contents】 ・Various consulting business (PIC/S GMP, facilities improvement, insect-proofing, etc.) ・Various hygiene measures business (monitoring, insect/mouse-proofing measures, facilities improvement engineering, etc.) ・Microbe environment inspection, sterilization, and disinfection service for cleansing facilities ・Safety cabinet performance inspection, clean bench performance inspection ・Various sales (hygiene materials, sterilization materials, sterilization goods for facilities, clean booth/air conditioner related products, environment microbe measurement materials, insect-proofing measure related equipment, etc.) ・Various countermeasures against pests

Performing solid countermeasures against wood rotting fungus which causes deterioration of the wood which supports houses, temples, and shrines, etc. leads to increased longevity and earthquake resistance in the buildings. Utilizing our experience in successfully safeguarding many national treasures and important cultural properties, we provide technology which helps large buildings last as long as possible as well as long-term support for peace of mind. 【Business Contents】 ・Management/execution of conservation of cultural assets, buildings, etc. ・Anti-rotting and insect-proofing measures in cultural assets, houses, etc. ・Various hygiene measures business (housing, buildings, shrines and temples, etc.) ・Various countermeasures against pests ・Earthquake resistance diagnostics, ground surveys, ground improvement work, air-tightness measurement, air environment measurement,

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